Villa Bosch will be closed from 02.04.2024 to 12.04.2024 for exhibition renovation. You are welcome to come to the vernissage on Friday, 12.04.2024 at 7 pm


“LINIE UND MATERIE” by Gesa Lange & Claudia Tebben

Exhibition by Kunstverein Radolfzell e. V. from 29.06.2024 to 01.09.2024

Vernissage: 28.06.2024, 7 pm

Welcome: Dr. Wolff Woltmer (1st Chairman Kunstverein Radolfzell e. V.)

Introduction: Dr. Andreas Gabelmann (art historian)


Gesa Lange creates object-free drawings on primed canvases with needle and thread and graphite. In these works “embroidered” with yarn, complex and multi-layered pictorial spaces are created that appear both delicate and filigree as well as strict and constructive. Flowing shapes and diffuse contrasts of light and dark are reminiscent of natural structures, cloudy skies or rain streaks on glass. Geometric grids and clear orders characterize the expression of another group of works. It is always the power of the line, sometimes dynamically moving, sometimes precisely placed, from which Lange gains the poetic-sensual as well as emotional-atmospheric aura of her works. The artist lives and works in Hamburg.

Claudia Tebben comes from Gelsenkirchen, where she still lives and works today. Having grown up in the Ruhr area, her mostly large-format paintings draw their main inspiration from the particular manifestations of this region, which are characterized by the former coal mining industry. The non-representational compositions are reminiscent of landscapes, sandy layers of earth, rocky spoil heaps or glowing slag heaps. With a vehement brushstroke, Tebben creates rugged, material-emphasizing structures that make the vital energy of the painting process immediately tangible. Intense color contrasts and dynamically twitching graphic traces heighten the eruptive expressiveness of the works.